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WELCOME to the Official Blog of the 2015 Master National Hunting Test, October 15-25, 2015, brought to you by the Retriever News and written by Tina Styan, Gwen Jones and Kelley Hall. We hope you enjoy these daily updates on the 2015 Master National, held this year in and around Cheraw, South Carolina.


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Friday, October 16, 2015

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Handler of the Year Award

Master National Retriever Club Foundation (Foundation)

“Bill T. Teague Handler of the Year Award” Policy

The “Bill T. Teague Handler of the Year Award” (Award) was established by the Foundation in 2015 at the suggestion of an active supporter of the annual Retriever Hunting Test conducted by the Master National Retriever Club under the current American Kennel Club (AKC) regulations and guidelines. The support is in memory of beloved Master National Retriever Hunting Test (MNRHT) dogs lost, in honor of dogs competing in MNRHT and in the prospects of upcoming pups for future MNRHT events, as well as in memory and honor of all handlers who have sacrificed so much to experience such an awesome event and in unending support of those to come. The award is named after a past MNRC President who has been and is a mentor and friend to many in the sport who exemplifies the spirt and tenets of the AKC Code of Sportsmanship. This award is to recognize and support an adult handler at the annual MNRHT who actively demonstrates the tenets of the AKC Code of Sportsmanship. The award consists of a plaque and check in the amount of $1,000.

The recipient shall be selected by the Foundation Board of Directors (Board) who have final authority on the selection of the awardees and whether or not the Award will be given in a particular year. The Award may not be awarded each year. In considering potential awardees, the Board shall, among other things consider the following criteria:
1.     The handler must handle a dog(s) in all eligible series at the Master National Retriever Club’s annual Retriever Hunting Test;
2.     The dog(s) does/do not have to “qualify” (get a plate)at the MNRHT for the handler to be eligible for the award;
3.     The handler must have trained, or at least participated in the training of the dog(s) handled;
4.     The handler must successfully control the dog from the holding blind to the line at the tests;
5.     The handler must exhibit expertise in handling the dog(s) during the tests;
6.     The handler must have knowledge of the AKC’s current Regulations and Guidelines applicable to the event;
7.     The handler must apply the AKC’s current Regulations and Guidelines applicable to the event;
8.     The handler must exhibit an ability to handle the dog(s) to the AKC Standards;
9.     The handler must exhibit knowledge of how to properly care for the dog(s); and
10.  The handler must exhibit personal & professional conduct at the event.
11.  The handler must be in good standing with the MNRC and AKC
12.  A handler of a dog that is owned by any member of the MNRC or MNRCF board of directors or their family is ineligible for this award.

To nominate an individual for the awards, submit a legible, written description of how/why the individual meets the above criteria and why they should receive the award. The submission must include all necessary contact information for the submitter and the name of the candidate. Hard copies or e-mail copies will be accepted and must be received within 30 days of the completion of the MNRHT in which they participated. Hard copies must be mailed to MNRCF, 734 CR 630, Nacogdoches, Texas 75964. E-mails sent to ta9@hughes.net. For further information, contact Bill Teague at ta9@hughes.net or 713-252-3918, Central time.

September 30, 2015


Youth Handler of the Year Awards

Master National Retriever Club Foundation (Foundation)

“Youth Handler of the Year Award” Policy

The “Youth Handler of the Year Awards” (Awards) were established by the Foundation in 2015 at the suggestion of an active supporter of the annual Retriever Hunting Test conducted by the Master National Retriever Club under the current American Kennel Club (AKC) regulations and guidelines. The support is in memory of beloved Master National Retriever Hunting Test (MNRHT) dogs lost, in honor of dogs competing in MNRHT and in the prospects of upcoming pups for future MNRHT events, as well as in memory and honor of all handlers who have sacrificed so much to experience such an awesome event and in unending support of those still to come. Our future lies not only with future retriever breeding’s that compete at the highest level of our sport, but also in the hearts and abilities of future handlers that share in the love and sportsmanship of MNRHT’s. 

The primary purposes of the Award are to honor and continue to encourage a youth handler in each bracket to step up to the line not only at the weekend AKC tests but also at the MNRHT. There shall be two award categories; a 12 year old and below and a 13-17 year old. The primary purpose of having two categories is to be fair to participants in each age group. Each award consists of a plaque and check in the amount of $1,000.

The recipients shall be selected by the Foundation Board of Directors (Board) who have final authority on the selection of the awardees and whether or not the Awards will be given in a particular year. The Awards may not be awarded each year. In considering potential awardees, the Board shall, among other things consider the following criteria:
1.     The age of the handler; must meet above requirements;
2.     The handler must handle a dog(s) in all eligible series (any series where the dog is ‘called back’) at the Master National Retriever Club’s annual Retriever Hunting Test;
3.     The dog(s) does/do not have to “qualify” (get a plate)at the MNRHT for the handler to be eligible for the award;
4.     The handler must have trained, or at least participated in the training of the dog(s) handled;
5.     The handler must successfully control the dog from the holding blind to the line at the tests;
6.     The handler must exhibit expertise in handling the dog(s) during the tests;
7.     The handler must have knowledge of the AKC’s current Regulations and Guidelines applicable to the event;
8.     The handler must apply the AKC’s current Regulations and Guidelines applicable to the event;
9.     The handler must exhibit an ability to handle the dog(s) to the AKC Standards;
10.   The handler must exhibit knowledge of how to properly care for the dog(s); and
11.   The handler must exhibit personal & professional conduct at the event.
12. The handler must be in good standing with the MNRC and AKC.
13. A handler of a dog that is owned by any member of the MNRC or MNRCF board of directors or their family is ineligible for this award.

To nominate an individual for the awards, submit a legible, written description of how/why the individual meets the above criteria and why they should receive the award. The submission must include all necessary contact information for the submitter and the name and age of the candidate. Hard copies or e-mail copies will be accepted and must be received within 30 days of the completion of the MNRHT in which they participated. Hard copies must be mailed to MNRCF, 734 CR 630, Nacogdoches, Texas 75964. E-mails sent to ta9@hughes.net. For further information, contact Bill Teague at ta9@hughes.net or 713-252-3918, Central time.

September 30, 2015


Master National Retriever Club Foundation (MNRCF, Foundation)

Bill Teague continued with a report on status of Foundation to MNRC Delegates & Members. The report he presented is shown below:

Master National Retriever Club Foundation (MNRCF, Foundation)

Report on status of Foundation to MNRC Delegates & Members
October 16, 2015
Cheraw, South Carolina

As reported last year at this meeting, the establishment of the Foundation that functions as a totally separate, IRS 501 (c) (3) organization from the MNRC was approved by the MNRC board July 7, 2013 and chartered in the state of Tennessee, December 20, 2013. Its EIN is 46-3114401. The purpose of the Foundation is primarily but not exclusively to support the programs and projects of the MNRC. The Foundation received its Determination Letter from IRS stating the Foundation was granted a 501 (c) (3) code designation on September 17, 2014 in record time thru a newly approved IRS “online” application process. As such, the Foundation can receive Charitable Contributions and the donor can receive all the benefits allowed by that IRS Code. The MNRC is an IRS Code 501 (c) (7) and contributions to it are not a Charitable Contribution.

Since the last report to this body, September 14, 2014, in Corning, California, the Foundation has rapidly implemented organizational efforts which are continuing but has become operational under the Code determination. The Foundation has approved Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy, Gift Policy, and other organizational efforts.

The establishment of the Foundation was suggested by an active supporter of the annual Retriever Hunting Test by MNRC who wishes to remain anonymous. No, it wasn’t me or any other member of the board; wish I’d thought of it and had funds to give. This donor has provided a generous contribution that has enabled the Foundation to become effective quickly and we are deeply indebted to them. Many people ‘talk’ a lot about providing this type of support, this individual’s actions speak louder than words. While the donor’s gift was originally restricted to Awards, you’ll hear about a little later in this report, they have generously agreed to allow some of the contribution to cover establishment costs and some grants you’ll also hear about later in this report. I think it’s appropriate to acknowledge this anonymous support with an enthusiastic & appreciative round of applause! We would encourage each of you to consider making a contribution to the Foundation; I know the original, anonymous donor would encourage you to do that. It’s easy, just make a check payable to MNRCF and provide to me or any MNRCF board member.

The Foundation “hit” the ground running and has responded favorably to several MNRC requests for financial support and the Foundation has provided $600 for AKC Advanced Judges’ Seminars to each of the following Retriever Clubs:
ü  Central Minnesota RC
ü  Umpqua Valley RC
ü  Waterloo Amateur RC

The Foundation has been advised the West Montana RC will also request support for an AKC Advanced Judge’s Seminar in the amount of $600 and looks forward to getting a request from MNRC for that support.

The Foundation is very pleased to announce they have approved supporting three, new Awards developed by the Foundation and suggested by the original donor. The Foundation has carefully followed the donor’s request. Announcement of these awards is being made here today. Hard copies of the details of each of the three awards are available here today at the check in table. This info will be shared with other organizations for publication in their venues immediately after this meeting but we thought you should hear it first!

The Awards are:

ü  Youth Handler of the Year Awards: There are two, separate Awards that represent handlers aged 12 & under and 13-17. Details on the Awards, including criteria reviewed, are available at the check in table. Nominees for this Award must be received by the Foundation within 30 days of the conclusion of this event. Each Award consists of a plaque and a check for $1,000.

This next award is personally embarrassing but very humbling and is in complete compliance with the donor’s request.
ü  Bill T. Teague Handler of the Year Award: Details on this Award are also available at the check in table. Nominees must be received by the Foundation within 30 days of the completion of this event. This Award also consists of a plaque and a check for $1,000.

In addition to the individual plaques received for each award, there will be a “Perpetual Plaque” for each award that will display the individual’s name and year of the award.

We commend the MNRC for authorizing the establishment of this totally separately functional organization and the anonymous donor who conceived the idea of establishing the Foundation and the concept of the Awards. We hope you’ll make a charitable contribution to the Foundation while you’re here.

We also commend members of the Foundation’s board of directors for their dedication, expertise and strong support; it’s clearly exciting but very challenging to get such an organization established and functional & each member of the board had done an exemplary job!

The members of the Foundation board are, and I ask each of you to stand when you are recognized and remain standing until all are introduced.
·       Jimmy Hughes, Secretary/Treasurer
·       Gloria Mundell, Director
·       John Blackbird, Director
·       Sam Ferguson, Ex-Officio Director (bylaws are designed to include each MNRC President for their term in an attempt to insure close coordination & effective communications of the Foundation’s activity to the MNRC board)
·       Bill Teague, President

President Sam, thank you again for allowing us to give this report. If there are any questions, we’ll address them at the next break or after this meeting.

Good luck with your dogs and have a safe trip home. Many thanks!

September 30, 2015



Master National Running Order

Flight Draw & Running Order

2015 MNRC Test Descriptions

Palmetto East-Land

Wood Duck Pond-Land/Water

Byrd's Campground-Land

Goose Pond-Land

Mallard Pond-Land/Water

Bruce's Farm-Land/Water

Wood Duck Pond-Water

Byrd’s Campground-Land/Water

Mallard Pond-Water

Goose Pond-Land/Water

Furr's Pit-Water

Palmetto West-Land

Goose Pond-Water


Meet Your 2015 Judges

2015 MNRC Schedule of Events

2015 MNRC Qualified Dogs